Oh, boy…

It’s holiday season.  Up until November, I was patting myself on the back because I was ahead of schedule on my writing.  That was before our grandson moved in with us for a few months.  (He broke up with his girlfriend and has to find a new apartment).  And that was before Thanksgiving and holiday preparations.  But I just crossed a day of cookie baking off my list, so things are settling down.

I love cookie day.  My daughter came up from Indianapolis, and we made chocolate chip, M&M, molasses, peanut butter, snickerdoodle, and frostinged sugar cookies.  Sounds like a list, but we used to bake more.  This is the year we’ve cut back.  Ty stopped in, too, on his way from Bloomington to Detroit.  He’s doing a short internship over his college Christmas break.   Our Friday night friends came over.  The house was full again, and it was wonderful.  Lots of food.  Lots of laughter.  Holly and Ty had to leave today, but they’ll be back on Christmas Eve for a short stay.  So there’ll be more festivities.  And then…

In January, I have to chain myself to my desk chair and write like a crazy woman.  I need to catch up.  I’ve been writing hodge-podge, between stringing Christmas lights, shopping, and get-togethers.  But I’ve always loved to hibernate once winter is official.  There’s no more yard work.  No more cook-outs.  Time slows down, and I hit a new rhythm.  Hope winter brings you lots of writing, too.

BTW, if any of you ever have any topic you’d like me to take a stab at, let me know.  And happy holidays!

4 thoughts on “Oh, boy…

  1. Sounds like things are busy at your house too, Judy. 🙂 I think we all slip into kidding ourselves that the holiday season isn’t going too take over our life, and then-it’s December. I feel like I was fine until the day after Thanksgiving and then, forget it. Company, moving, shopping, a broken stove, you name it. Glad you’re enjoying the season and I can almost taste those cookies. 🙂 Happy Holidays.


    1. Hope your stove works now! Or that it, at least, was a good excuse to eat out more with all the busy-ness:) And I hope your two, darling dachsunds have settled in to their new digs. Happy holidays to you and yours!


  2. Nothing wrong with holidays coming to the fore. It’s the stuff of family, memories, love, and belonging. That’s what we write about, isn’t it? Living life is a prerequisite for writing about it.
    Happy Solstice.


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