Book Birthdays

I’m writing this on Tuesday, the 22nd, and I’ll post it later, but my fifth Jazzi Zanders cozy just went up for sale. I always get excited when a new book comes out. And I get nervous. What if readers don’t like this one as much as the last? What if readers are just tired of my stories?

I’ve been so lucky with the reviews I’ve been getting. Readers who went to NetGalley started writing them early on Goodreads. They encouraged me. I’m so grateful to readers who take the time to write them. They have no idea what a difference it makes to me when I’m starting to fret. When a wonderful reader tells me how much she likes my characters and the feeling of family in my books, it makes me feel that I’m getting that right. Other readers like the family meals and recipes. And a few are in love with George, Ansel’s spoiled pug. It’s wonderful to see some of the same reviewers who’ve read Jazzi since the first book came out. I love it when they say they can’t wait for the next one. That’s a special compliment, and I appreciate it. They have no idea how much their comments motivate me when I’m trudging through middle muddles or the feeling I get about three-fourths of the way through every novel that the book I’m working on is hopeless and will never be good. Or when I’m just doubting myself…because I can. (I hope I’m not the only one who does that).

Of course, there are always a few reviews that sting, but I’ve learned that I can’t please everyone. I still read them to see if there’s something I can do better. What one person writes that they like, though, another person might complain about. There are reviews that are just plain unfair–like when a reader’s in the mood for a thriller and didn’t like my cozy–but I don’t concentrate on those.

Today, close to suppertime, though, it’s been a good release day. Most people seem to like this book. My pipedream of making the New York Times bestseller list isn’t going to happen, but my worst fears haven’t either. So I’m happy:)

Best wishes to you and whatever you’re working on.

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