Bridgerton Costs Me Sleep

After supper, HH and I usually settle in the living room to relax for the night. We always watch the Evening News, and when it’s not repeats, we watch Wheel of Fortune (possibly HH’s favorite show). Then we hit Hulu or Netflix, whatever, to watch something. After ten, we usually read. (At least, I used to. Can’t right now, but I’m hoping when I feel better, my Kindle will be my best friend again.)

Anyway, our evenings usually make it so that when we go to bed, we zonk out. But not when we watch Bridgerton. We watched it last night, and there were so many twists and turns and surprises, that we went to bed, and a half hour later, HH said, “I know how they’re going to make everything work out for Penelope.” I highly disagree with his solution, but who knows? The cliffhangers kept rolling over and over in our minds. Was it fair for Lady Danbury to despise her brother for all these years when it LOOKED like he never meant to hurt her? What will wily, sly Queen Charlotte decide about Lady Whistledown? Will Eloise and Penelope ever be best friends again after Cressida pulled such a stunning move? (Not that I blame her. I’d do anything not to be married off to a man in his eighties).

Anyway, it took both HH and I at least an hour to sort through all of the subplots and wrinkles of the show. And when we woke up, the first thing HH said is, “They can’t hang Penelope out to dry.” Since she’s the main love interest this season, I don’t think that will happen, but boy, is it hard to figure out how they’re going to smooth everything back into HEA.

7 thoughts on “Bridgerton Costs Me Sleep

  1. ha! love it Judi, and no not Bridgerton, but our evening sound much the same. we’ve gotten hung up on a few series and watched well past our usual bed time (news, weather–bed time). i try to read but sometimes Word wears me out. sorry to hear you are still having problems. doc appt is July? gees…

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  2. I got too nervous to watch more of this series. Beyond the historical inaccuracies, I get wired when characters like Penelope get into trouble. But I may go back to it because I like her. Your comments helped.

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