I’m torn

Way back, when I first got Lauren Abramo as my agent and she accepted my novel FABRIC OF LIFE, she told me that she wouldn’t have Dystel & Goderich publish it online until I had posted a few blogs, had 50 followers on twitter, and had an author’s page on Facebook.  Lauren, I’ve learned, is ALWAYS right, but I’d never done any of those things, and they looked really intimidating.  Then I read that if an author had a blog AND a webpage, it gave them more coverage, the chance to reach more people.  I didn’t know squat, but that sounded good, so I decided since I had to jump into the unknown, I might as well do both.  Now, I’m not so sure I made the right choice.

If I have a webpage, I have to post something on it.  If I have a blog, I have to write something for it.  And I’ve been trying to keep them each unique, putting snippets and free stories on my webpage and posting writing info on my blog.  And I’m not sure that the two attract the same readers.  I get that.  I only have so much free time, and I can only read so many posts a week.  Every one else is busy, too.  So, I’m wondering if I should combine the blog and the webpage into one thing to make life easier for myself and anyone who might want to read what I post.  I’m torn, so if anyone has any insights or opinions, I’d love to hear them.  In the meantime, for those of you who’ve never looked at my webpage (and I completely understand that), I’m sharing a short Mill Pond story that I wrote just for the page.  And as always, happy writing!


A Mill Pond Romance

Mom was having another bad day.  I turned her every morning and every night, like the doctor told me, but she was still getting a bed sore on her bottom.  I noticed it when I changed her diaper before breakfast.  Her skin was so thin, her body so fragile.

After I fed her, I plumped her pillow and put her favorite musical in the DVD player.  We talked while I started a roast in the Crock Pot and straightened up the house.  Noah came over in the afternoon and lifted her into her wheel chair, so I could push her onto the front porch, and the three of us could sit outside, inhaling the freshness of a mild spring.  A breeze drifted off of Mill Pond’s lake, and two ducks flew overhead.  Mom usually noticed, commented.  Today, she didn’t.

I sat on the porch swing with Mom’s chair pulled close beside me.  Noah sat in the rocker across from us.  He took a sip of the lemonade I’d brought him, sat the glass on the wicker table, then wiped his hands on his worn jeans.

“It was mighty nice of you to invite me over for supper tonight, Loretta,” he said.

“Without your help, I couldn’t get Mom in and out of bed.”  I reached across to pat his knee.  “Supper’s a small thanks for all you do for us.”

“I’d help you anyway.  You know that.”  He would, too.  There was no more thoughtful man than my neighbor.  After he’d lost his wife four years ago, I’d taken to having him come for supper.  When he retired two years ago, he’d taken to helping me with Mom.  Just having him around, in the house, gave me a sense of comfort.  We often sat on the porch on warm afternoons, enjoying a midday break.

I raised my voice so Mom could hear me.  “The daffodils you planted sure look pretty this year.”  They bobbed their heads in the flower bed nestled under the pink crabapple tree.

Mom glanced their way and nodded.  She shivered a little, and I pulled the blanket higher on her lap and buttoned her heavy sweater.  Then she raised her arm and pointed to the end of the sidewalk.  In a shaky voice, she said, “Look, Loretta.  Lou got out of work early.”  Her lips curled in a smile.  “What are you doin’ home so soon, hon?”

I exchanged a glance with Noah.  My dad had passed twenty years ago.  Up ‘til now, Mom’s body had failed her, but her mind was sharp.  I’d considered that a blessing.  I reached over to touch her.  “Are you doin’ okay?”

Mom gave a peaceful sigh.  “I’m tired.  I need to rest.  Your dad and I are taking a trip soon.”

Goosebumps rose on my arms.  When I stood, Noah rolled Mom’s wheel chair back inside the house, and I helped him get her into bed, then fiddled with her blankets and pillows until she was comfortable.  She closed her eyes briefly, then blinked them open.  She reached out and patted Noah.  “Lou gave you his approval.  You and Loretta will make each other happy.”  Then she shooed us out of her room.

Noah looked at me and blinked.  I felt restless, not sure what to think, how to feel.  I went to the kitchen and pulled my apron over my head.  “I’m in the mood for a pie.”

Dad had always loved lemon meringue pie.  I found myself rolling out dough and whipping egg whites.  Noah stirred the lemon filling.  After we took the pie out of the oven and placed it on the wide window ledge to cool, we went to check on Mom.

I knew she was gone the minute I looked at her.  A body isn’t the same once the soul leaves it.  I remembered staring down at Dad in his coffin.  A body, nothing more.

Noah came to stand beside me and reached for my hand.  We stood there, looking down at her, and a ray of sunshine burst through the window, engulfing us in light.  Noah gave my fingers a squeeze.  “I’m glad your dad approves.”

I smiled.  Mom and Dad would be happy now, and so would Noah and I.


My webpage:  http://www.judithpostswritingmusings.com/

My author’s Facebook page:  https://www.facebook.com/JudiLynnwrites/

Twitter:  @judypost




6 thoughts on “I’m torn

  1. I struggle with the same issues! Although I get decent traffic to my weebly website from Twitter I get no comments. There’s no community, no sense of give and take like on WordPress. Sometimes I wonder if we really need an author site- at least not until we make it BIG. My email list is stuck at 12 and I don’t have anything free to offer. And do readers really care about more free stuff?

    I’ve been reevaluating this same topic. There are so many writer blogs all offering helpful tips of the trade.
    How does one stand out in this glutted market?

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I wish I had some answers, but I don’t. Just like you, on weebly, my numbers look decent, but there are never any comments. I don’t know if anyone likes or cares about what I’m posting or not, so I’m not sure what to focus on…if anything.


  3. A bittersweet story, but a lovely one.Thanks for sharing such a beautiful short.

    As for the website and blog, I’m no expert and I’ve only been at this game a few years, but I ditched my website after two and combined it with my blog. The website just didn’t seem to be doing much and I found myself duplicating much of the content.

    Also, I follow a large number of writers, and I have to say I rarely visit their websites. I’m far more focused on their blogs where the content is less static. When it comes to “big name” authors (who don’t blog) them I hone in on their websites.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Mae. That’s pretty much how it feels to me, too. I was trying to appeal to readers with the webpage (that’s why there are SO many free stories on it), and writers with the blog, but doing both takes up a lot of time, and I’m not sure how well it works. I appreciate your sharing.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Love that story, so current to the times and issues. Made me teary-eyed. I think all writers feel the same pain about taking time away from writing books to do the social media thing. I agree that until hitting it big, it’s hard to justify the time spent away from completing writing goals. Traffic to my website is sporadic. I use it as a backlist tool for readership interested in different genres, since I write in four. The merging of website and blog sounds like a good idea.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Merging the two is sounding better to me all the time. I like writing in two different genres, so that when you “dry up” on one, you can switch to the other, back and forth. But it boggles my mind that you write in FOUR, and they’re all good!

    Liked by 1 person

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