Bridgerton Starts Tonight!

I can hardly wait. HH is at his Thursday night Legion giveaway. He goes every Thursday to meet his friends, play pull tabs, and buy tickets for prizes. He drinks a couple of beers and loves it. I warned him when he left, though, to be ready to watch Bridgerton when he gets home.

I love Bridgerton. I don’t watch many romances. Mostly mysteries. But Bridgerton just pushes the boundaries enough to make me love it. My BFF Julia Donner, who writes Regencies I love and can tell you how many buttons were on women’s dress gloves at a ball, isn’t a fan. She’s enthralled by history, and let’s face it. Bridgerton takes history and warps it into whatever shape it wants. There was no black Queen Chalotte. There were no black aristocrats. Even I know that. But when RegΓ©-Jean Page walked on the screen as the romantic interest for Daphne Bridgerton, all bets were off. The man is gorgeous and sexy. And yes, sex is a big part of Bridgerton. I was a little surprised when there were naked people doing what should only happen behind closed doors, but hey, sex is part of life, right? And they made it look really good. And it fit the characters and the progression of the story.

I like the Regency period. I like the formalities, but people are people. Always have been. Probably always will be. So the emotions, motivations, conflicts…they all interested in me. Tonight, it’s Penelope’s turn to shine. The girl is overweight and far too clever for her own good, but she’s given up on the hope that Colin will ever think of her as anything but a friend. I can’t wait to see how her story plays out. And the show starts soon!

10 thoughts on “Bridgerton Starts Tonight!

  1. Regency stuff isn’t really my cuppa tea, but interestingly enough, I just read a review of ‘Queen Charlotte: A Bridgerton Story, (quite literally only minutes ago) (it’s a six episode series set before Bridgerton starts, and between season 2 and 3), and I thought to myself, “Self,” I thought, “This looks rather interesting.” πŸ˜€

    After perusing the usual suspects I found the series online and plan to start Season 1 tonight.

    How’s that for a happy happenstance!? πŸ˜€

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    1. I hope you like it as much as I do! Queen Charlotte confused me at the beginning because it took me a while to realize that the old queen and the young queen were the same–just showing how Charlotte ended up with George.

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    1. Wouldn’t you know it? I went to watch it and somehow, I don’t have Netflix anymore. I don’t know exactly what I do have these days. But I’m going to sign up to see Bridgerton.

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