My new cover

This is a quick post.  I just want to share the cover Michael Prete designed for me for All The Missing Children.  Hopefully, I’ll have it online soon.  My goal was the end of July.  Then there’s going to be a long dry spell for my paranormal mysteries while I write Jazzi 5.  I’m over 14,000 words on that, and it feels good to snuggle into a cozy again.

Anyway, here’s the cover.  I still need to write a zingy blurb for it, but that’s like pulling teeth for me.  Painful.  Here’s what I have so far:

Raven and Hester are looking for missing children. Someone kills their parents, then snatches them.  They find an orphanage that sells children for high prices to supernatural couples who can’t have any of their own. . . and run up against Murlyn–a warlock who’s happy to steal power and magic from any hapless witches who are weaker than he is.

Cover for All the Missing Children

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